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T0001, Long Discourses of the Buddha [Digha Nikaya], by. Maurice Walshe, pdf, (33.8mb)

T0002, Seven Buddhas Sutra (Mahapadana Sutta)

T0005, The Great Buddha’s Parinirvana Sutra

T0008, Sutra On The Great Reliable Brahman (Mahagovinda Sutta)

T0014, The Great Causes Discourse (Mahanidana Sutta)

T0015, Sakra Consults The Buddha Sutra

T0016, Singalovada Propriety Toward Six Types Of Relatives Sutra, (Sigalovada Sutta), by Narada Thera

T0019, Mahā Samāja Sūtra

T0025, The Agganna Sutta

T0026, Majjhima Nikaya Sutta,  by Sister Upalavanna, pdf

T0031, The Causes of Guarding All Flows Sutra (Sabbāsava Sutta)

T0033, The Uposatha Observance

T0070, Ganaka Moggallana Sutta

T0073, Sudatta Sutta

T0089. The Uposatha Observance

T0094, Sutra On The Parable Of The Arrow (Cūlamāluṅkya Sutta)

T0095, The Simile Of The Ant Hill

T0099, Samyutta Nikaya, pdf, (13.08mb)

T0109, Buddha Speaks The Sutra Of Turning The Dharma Wheel

T0116, The Buddha Speaks Of The Fragrance Of The Virtues Of Precepts Sutra

T0120, Sūtra of Aṅgulimālika

T0123, The Buddha Speaks Of Tending Ox Sutra

T0125, Anguttara Nikaya, Vol 1 pdf, Vol 2 pdf, Vol 3 pdf,

            Two Versions Mahādeva Tale, pdf

T0138, The Buddha Speaks Of Eleven Thoughts In Thinking About The Tathagatha Sutra

T0157, Compassionate Pundarika (White Lotus) Sutra Volume 6

T0192, The Glorification for the Buddha's Legend, pdf

T0209, One Hundred Fables Sutra

T0210, The Dharmapada, by Narada Thera

             The Dharmapada, by Bhikkhu Bodhi , pdf

T0217, The Parable Sutra,  Charles Patton, pdf

T0220, Large Prajnaparamita, pdf

            Large Prajna Paramita, 100000 verses. Volume 1Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6, will be uploaded soon

T0228, The Prajna Paramita Sutra on the Buddha-Mother's Producing the Three Dharma Treasures,  Richard Babcock, pdf

T0229, Verses On The Perfection Of Wisdom

T0232, Mahāprajñāpāramitā Mañjuśrīparivarta Sūtra

T0235, The Diamond Sutra

                The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra- A general explanation by The Venerable Master Hsuan Hua, pdf

T0250, Sūtra of the Great Illumination Mantra of Mahā-Prajñā-Pāramitā, Rulu

T0251, Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra, BTTS

T0252, Sūtra of the All-encompassing Knowledge Store, the Heart of Prajñā-Pāramitā, Rulu

T0253, Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra (Extended Edition), Jan Nattier

T0256, Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra in Sanskrit

T0257  The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom, the Blessed Mother Translated by the Dharmachakra Translation Committee

T0262, The Lotus Sutra, by Burton Watson

             The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra, by BTTS

T0263, The Lotus Of The True Law, by H. Kern

T0264, The White Lotus Of The Good Dharma, Translated By Peter Alan Roberts

T0269, The Sutra of Dharma Flower Samadhi, by Nguyen Hien. ( pdf file in Vietnamese and English Translation)

T0270, Sutra of the Great Dharma Drum

T0273, The Vajrasamadhi Sutra (The Diamond-Absorption Sutra)

T0275, Mahayana Vaipulya Sutra of Total Retention

T0276, The Sutra of Innumerable Meanings

T0277, Samantabhadra Contemplation Sutra

T0279, The Flower Ornament Scripture, pdf (14mb)

T0290, Expounding The Qualities Of The Thus-Gone Ones’ Buddhafields

T0293, The Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, pdf

T0299. The Dhāraṇī Of The Jewel Torch. By David Jackson

T0301, Tathagata's Unimaginable State Sutra

T0303  Introduction To The Domain Of The Inconceivable Qualities And Wisdom Of The Tathāgatas

T0304, Mahāvaipulya Sūtra Of Entering A Tathāgata’s Inconceivable State Of Wisdom

T0305 The Seal Of Engagement In Awakening The Power Of Faith

T0315, The Exposition on the Universal Gateway. by the Dharmachakra Translation Committee

T0317, The Teaching to Venerable Nanda on Entry into the Womb, by Robert Kritzer

T0326, Confess by reciting the names of the 35 BuddhasBiona

T0336, Sumatidārikā Paripṛcchā Sūtra pdf

T0340,  Manjusri Spoken The Inconceivable State of Buddhahood Sutra

T0347, Mahāyāna Sūtra of Consciousness Revealed, Rulu

T0349, The Question of Maitreya, by Dr. Karen Liljenberg, with Dr. Ulrich Pagel acting as consultant

            The Question of Maitreya, by the Kīrtimukha Translation Group

T0353, Lion's Roar Of Queen Srimala Sutra,

T0355, The Infinite Jewels, by the Dharmachakra Translation Committee

T0359, The Ornament Of The Light Of Awareness That Enters The Domain Of All Buddhas

T0360, Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra, Hisao Inagaki

T0361, The Buddha Speaks Of The Infinite Life Sutra Of Adornment, Purity, Equality And Enlightenment Of The Mahayana School, By Hisao Inagaki

T0363, Buddha Spoken Mahayana Eternal Life Sublime Sutra, F. Max Mueller

T0365, Sutra on the Contemplation of Buddha Amitayus, J. Takakusu

            The Visualization Of the Buddha of Infinite Life Span Sutra,  pdf, Charles Patton

T0366, The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra, pdf

            The Display Of The Pure Land Of Sukhāvatī, By The Sakya Pandita Translation Group

T0367,The Smaller Pure Land Sutra, Charles Patton

T0371, Sūtra of the Prophecy Bestowed upon Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva 

T0372, The Illusory Absorption, Translated By The Dharmachakra Translation Committee

T0374, Maha-Parinibbána Sutta, pdf

T0375, The Great Parinirvana Sutra (Partial)

T0382. The Absorption That Encapsulates All Merit. The Dharmachakra Translation Committee

T0389, The Discourse Of The Teaching Bequeathed By The Buddha Just Before His Parinibbána

T0395, The Buddha Speaks The Sutra Of Changes To Come, BTTS,  pdf

T0396, The Sutra Preached by the Buddha on the Total Extinction of the Dharma,

             The Buddha Speaks The Ultimate Extinction Of The Dharma Sutrapdf


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Uploaded / Updated on 2023-01-17

