Daśa Cula Mantra (Ten Small Mantras 十 小 咒)
Namo ratna-trayāya nama āryā-valokite-śvarāya bodhi-sattvāya mahā-sattvāya mahā-karuṇikāya. Tadyathā: Oṃ cakra-varti cintāmaṇi mahā-padme, ru ru tiṣṭhat jvala, ākarṣāya hūṃ phat ̣ svāhā
Adoration to the three gems. Adoration to the noble (ārya) Lord (īśvarā) who gazes down (avalokite) the world (loka), the enlightened sentient being, the great sentient being, the great compassionate one! Like this: Oṃ! Turn the wheel, the wish-fulfilling jewel, the great lotus, (quick, quick), Flame stays firm! Calling for the holy mind to destroy obstacles, So be it! Heart mantra (long)
Oṃ padma cintā-maṇi jvala hūṃ
Om! Lotus, wish-fulfilling jewel, flame, hum! Heart dharani (short)
Oṃ varada padme hūṃ
Om! Boon bestowing lotus hum!
JVALA MAHĀUGRA DHĀRAṆĪ (The Mantra for Dispersing Calamities and Bringing Auspicious Good Will 消災吉祥神咒)
Adoration to the universal Buddhas (and their) unimpeded religions (śāsana)! 普遍(平等) 諸佛, 無礙 聖教!
Thus: om! in the sky (ākāśa 虛空中), in emptiness, destroy, destroy (all obstacles), the holy mind! the holy mind!
Flame, light, brilliant light, brilliant light, stay, stay. 熾盛光
Shatter, shatter, burst, burst, disperses calamities (and brings) fortune/opulence (śrī) So be it! 消災, 吉祥
GUNA-RATNA-SILA DHĀRAṆĪ (The Meritorious Precious Mountain Dhāraṇī 功德寶山神咒)
Namo buddhāya namo dharmāya namaḥ saṃghāya (om ̣) siddhe huru huru sidhuru kṛpā kṛpā siddhāṇi puruṇi svāhā
Adoration to the Buddha! adoration to the Buddhist teaching! adoration to the Buddhist community! Accomplished one, quick, quick, accomplishes quick, be merciful, be compassionate, accomplishes perfectly. So be it!
MAHĀCUNDI DHĀRAṆĪ (The Dharani to Cundi-Durgha 準提神咒)
Namaḥ saptānām samyak-saṃbuddha koṭinām. Tadyathā: Oṃ cale cule Cunde svāhā.
Adoration to 'seven billions perfect status, perfect enlightened beings', like this: om cha'le chu'le Chundi (the Extreme purity), All hail!
Aparimitāyur-jñāna-suviniścita-tejo-rājāya Dhāraṇī 大乘無量壽決定光明王陀羅尼 (Dhāraṇī of the Holy Tathāgata of Immeasurable Lifespan, King of Determined Radiance) (ĀRYA AMITAYUR NIYAMA PRABHA-RĀJĀ DHĀRAṆĪ)
Namo Bhagavate Aparimitāyur-jñāna-su-viniścita-tejo-rājāya Tathāgatāya, Arhate, Samyak-saṃbuddhāya. Tadyathā: Oṃ, sarva saṃ-skāra pariśuddha, dharmate gagana samud-gate, svabhāva vi-śuddhe, mahā-naya, pari-varī svāhā.
Adoration to the Honourable, Highest(pari)-Infinite(amita)-life(ayus)- insight(jnna) -decisive-light(tejo)-king(raja), Exalteeeed-one(Tathagata, thus come), perfect disciple(Arahat), completely, perfectly enlightened one(Samyak-sambuddha). Like this: Om! all(sarva) rightous behaviour are in highest purity, reality of phenomena enters into emptiness, intrinsic nature are completely purified. Family of Great School have auspiously completed.
BHAIṢAJYAGURU VAIḌŪRYA PRABHASA TATHĀGATĀ ABHISECANI DHĀRAṆĪ (The Teacher of Medicine's Pure Words of Consecration 藥師灌頂真言)
Namo Bhagavate Bhaiṣajya-guru-vaiḍūrya-prabha-rājāya Tathāgatāya Arhate Samyak-saṃbuddhāya. Tadyathā:
Give Praise to Honorable Medicine-teacher lipis-light-king, the Exalted One, The perfected disciple, Perfectly Self-Awakened One! Like this:
"Auspicious one! on medicine, on medicine, the medicine appears, so be it!"
ĀRYAVALOKITEŚVARĀ BODHISATTVA VIKURVANA DHĀRAṆĪ (The True Words to Bring a Response From Kuan Yin 觀音靈感真言)
Oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ
Oh! Jewel on the lotus 蓮花上之如意寶
mahā niryāṇa cittot-pāda
Determined to leave greatly (the passions and delusions) 發大出離心
citta-kṣana vitarka
Constant thought of reflection 須叟思維
sarvārtha bhūri siddha kāma pūrṇa
圓滿大成就一切義 All truths are greatly accomplished (siddha) with full (pūrṇa) satisfaction (kāmam)
bhūri dyotot-panna
Manifestation (utpannā) of great (bhūri) luminosity (dyota) 大光明現前
Namaḥ lokeśvarāya svāhā
頂禮 觀自在 吉祥! Adoration to the Lord (iśvarā) of the world. All hail!
SAPTA ATITABUDDHA KARASANIYA DHĀRAṆĪ (The Blame Dispersing Words of the Seven Buddhas 七佛滅罪真言 )
Deva devate, cyu ha cyu hate, dhara dhṛte, nir-hṛte, vimlate svāhā.
Calling, Calling Out! Revealing, Revealing All! Making Heartfelt Prayers! Dissolving, Disappearing Blame! Vanishing vanished Blame! Eminent Virtues Appear, and, All Blame is Truly buried and gone by this Power, Svaha!
SUKHÂVATÎ-VYÛHA DHĀRAṆĪ (The Future Rebirth Mantra 往生淨土神咒) 'Embellishments of the Land of of Ultimate Bliss' Mantra
Namo Amitābhāya Tathāgatāya. Tadyathā: Om amṛtod bhave, amṛta siddhaṃ bhave, amṛta vi-krānte, amṛta vi-krānta gāmine, gagana kīrti-karī svāhā.
(namo a'mi'ta'ba'ya ta'tha'ga'ta'ya. Tad'ya'ta: a'mri'tod bha've, a'mri'ta sid'dham bha've, a'mri'ta vi'kran'te. A'mri'ta vi'kran'ta ga'mi'ne, ga'ga'na kir'ti ka're saw'ha)
Adoration to the Perfect One of Infinite Light, namely: Nectar-producing one! Nectar-creation-perfecting one! Nectar-miracle one! (One) performs miracle with nectar, he makes (nectar) to pervade as widely as sky, All Hail!
SRIDEVI (SUDEVI) DHĀRAṆĪ (The Mantra of the Virtuous Goddess 大吉祥天女咒)
Namo buddhāya, namo dharmāya, namaḥ saṃghāya, namo śri-mahā-devīya.
Adoration to the Buddha, adoration to the Buddhist teaching, adoration to the Buddhist community, adoration to the great auspicious goddess!
Tadyathā: Oṃ pari-pūrṇa care, samanta darśane, mahā vihāra gate, samanta vidhā mane
Like this: Oṃ (She) completes (pūrṇa) the deed (ka're, kama) successively (pari), all good to be seen, abides in great position, understands (mana) all good kowledge
mahā kārya prati-s ̣t ̣hāne, sarvārtha sādhane suprati-pūri, āyāna dharmatā mahā avikopite
stays peaceably in great practice (caryā), in procuring (sādhane) all truths perfectly, and approaching great indestructible nature
mahā maitrī upa-saṃhite, mahā-kleśe su-saṃgṛhīte, samantārtha anu-pālane svāhā.
benefits (all) with great compassion, manages the great defilements, supports the welfare (of all), All Hail!